Iberian Ham Dryer: modern technology used to achieve the perfect curing of the ham and ensure the homogeneity of all the pieces. Traditional methods are used alongside this, especially in salting and maturing.

Cellar: this is located 5m underground to achieve the optimum temperature and moisture conditions. It has been equipped to house more than 80,000 pieces in conditions that allow for their completely natural curing.

Factory for cold meats and by-products from Los Pedroches Iberian pigs: facilitating the preparation of more than 30 products and where a painstaking packaging, storage, labelling and distribution system is operated.

Great Taste Awards

Premio mundial concedido por
The Guild of Fine Food.

Considerados los Oscars de la alimentación.

2014 > 2015 > 2016 > 2018 > 2020 > 2022 > 2024

Encina de oro

Mejor jamón ibérico de bellota del Valle de Los Pedroches

2008 > 2009 > 2010 > 2012 > 2015 y 2017